said a strong understanding of tech is very important
People skills in frontline officers are more important than physical attributes of strength for 9 out of 10 respondents.
People remain a core part of the security programs of global companies and the skills required in a security professional are evolving.
The top traits and skills that are extremely important for frontline security officers to possess are: Integrity and honesty, a strong understanding of technology, Industry-specific experience, and Customer service skills.
Recruiting security officers will be a challenge for 8 in 10 CSOs.
Over 50% of respondents said the retention of qualified and experienced security staff, appropriate skills and experience are extremely challenging to the recruitment of security staff.
74% said Integrity and honest is extremely important for people working in security as a front-line officer or similar.
14% said having a Military or law enforcement background is not at all important.
The graph below breaks down the most important skills for people working in security as a front-line officer or similar across the regions.
Over 50% of respondents said the retention of qualified and experienced security staff, appropriate skills and experience are extremely challenging to the recruitment of security staff.
North and Latin America found the following areas more challenging to recruitment than the world averages.
said a strong understanding of tech is very important
believe that integrity and honesty are extremely important for front-line officers
think that customer service skills are extremely important
think emotional intelligence is highly desirable
said integrity and honesty is extremely important in a security leader